
Historic Overview Fabio Masotti


Overall Rank40979
Date of birth03-Jun-1974 - Udine (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
ContemporiesView Contemporary Ranking


Fabio Masotti (born 3 June 1974 in Udine) is an Italian amateur road and track cyclist. He has claimed four Italian national championship titles in track cycling (madison, and points race), and later represented his nation Italy at the 2008 Summer Olympics. Masotti also shared silver medals with 2000 Olympic medalist Marco Villa in men's Madison at the fourth round of the 2006 UCI World Cup circuit in Sydney, Australia. Masotti currently races for the 2013 season with Gruppo Sportivo Fiamme Azzurre under his head coach Cristiano Valoppi.

Masotti qualified for the Italian squad, as a 34-year-old in men's Madison at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing by receiving an automatic berth from UCI based on his top-ten performance in the Track World Rankings. Teaming with two-time Olympian Angelo Ciccone, Masotti started out a 50 km, sixteen-sprint race for the Italian duo by taking the lap first over the entire field, but did not receive a single point and lost three laps in all sprints, dropping him and his partner off to fourteenth place.

source - Wikipedia


Fabio Masotti - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 2003 Individual 1 2178
2. 2004 Individual 2 2056
3. 2007 Elite without contract 3 2391
4. 2011 Elite without contract 1 3443
Overall: 7 40979