
Historic Overview Ralph Mecredy


Overall Rank26851
Date of birth12-Jul-1888 - Dublin
ContemporiesView Contemporary Ranking


Ralph Jack Richard Mecredy (12 July 1888 – 1968) was an Irish cyclist who competed for Great Britain in two events at the 1912 Summer Olympics. He was the son of Irish champion cyclist Richard J. Mecredy.

Mecredy was educated at Trinity College Dublin. While he was there, he was known for winning both athletic (track and field) events and cycling events on the same day, which the Irish Post and Weekly Telegraph claimed, "a feat for which we believe the history of the college races does not afford a parallel."

From 1913 to 1915 he spent time studying medicine in the US. He was on board the RMS Lusitania when it sank in 1915, and was lucky to survive.

source - Wikipedia


Ralph Mecredy - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 1912 Individual 24 438
Overall: 24 26851