Rider | Team | Time | |
1. | Paul TAILDEMAN | Terrot - Hutchinson - Wolber | 7h03'30" |
2. | Gilbert DESMET I | Groene Leeuw | |
3. | Marcel VAN HOUTTEGHEM | Individual | 45" |
4. | Leopold DEGRAVELEYN | Mercier - Hutchinson | |
5. | Jules WIEME | Individual | |
6. | Jan PAUWELS | Individual | |
7. | MONNIER | Individual | |
8. | Gabriel SIEUW | Van Hauwaert | |
9. | Andre VERFAILLIE | Devos Sport | 3'45" |
10. | Robert NOLF | The Dura | |
11. | Raphael JONCKHEERE | The Dura | 4'30" |
12. | Emmanuel THOMA | Ryssel - Wolber | |
13. | Emile VAN DER VEKEN | Devos Sport | |
14. | Serge MENEGHETTI | Gitane - Hutchinson | 9'30" |
15. | Roland CALLEBOUT | Individual | |
16. | Etienne AMELYNCK | Individual | 10'40" |
17. | Bruno COMINI | Individual | 10'45" |
18. | Maurice BAELE | Individual | 13'00" |
19. | HAYART | Individual | |
20. | Daniel THUAYRE | Individual | |
21. | LAPAUW | Individual | |
22. | Jozef DECRAENE | Individual | 17'30" |
23. | Calixte VAN STEENBRUGGE | Individual | 21'30" |
24. | Paul VANASSCHE | Groene Leeuw | |
25. | André MAHÉ | Peugeot - Dunlop |
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Race information
Start, finish: Paris - Tourcoing
Distance: 276 km
Date: 2 August 1953