
Historic Overview Montague Alfred "Monty" Holbein


Overall Rank1847
NameMontague Alfred "Monty" HOLBEIN
  Great Britain
Date of birth11-Aug-1861 - Twickenham (Greater London)
Date of death11-Jul-1944


Montague Alfred "Monty" Holbein

Montague Alfred Holbein (11 August 1861 – 1 July 1944) was a British champion cyclist and swimmer. He is most known for his second place in the inaugural 1891 Bordeaux-Paris, that was won by his countryman George Pilkington Mills and for several attempts in the early 1900s to cross the English Channel swimming.

source - Wikipedia


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Major Victories

North Road 24 hour road race 1888, 1889, 1890
North Road 24 hour road race - II 1888
North Road 50 - II 1889
North Road 50 1889
North Road 50 - III 1889
More results


Montague Alfred "Monty" Holbein - Scores by Season