
Historic Overview Igor Abakoumov


Overall Rank7781
Date of birth30-May-1981 - Berdyansk-Ukr (Zaporiz'ka Oblast)
ContemporiesView Contemporary Ranking


Igor Abakoumov

Igor Abakoumov (born 30 May 1981 in Berdyansk, Ukraine) is a Belgian former professional road bicycle racer of Ukrainian origin. Abakoumov became a naturalized Belgian citizen on 15 September 2001. He turned professional in 2002. Abakumov was left in limbo by his former team, Astana, when the sponsors pulled the plug on funds following a drugs scandal. He last rode for the ISD Continental Team.

source - Wikipedia



Major Victories

Profronde van Fryslân / Noord Nederland Tour 2004
Tour de l'Ain - stages 2006 (1)
More results


Igor Abakoumov - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 2001 Individual 1 1918
2. 2002 Van Hemert Groep Cycling Team 9 1330
3. 2003 Van Hemert Groep Cycling Team 46 764
4. 2004 Chocolade Jacques - Wincor Nixdorf 24 977
5. 2005 Jartazi - Revor 55 696
6. 2006 Jartazi - 7 Mobile 58 720
7. 2007 Astana 52 741
8. 2008 Mitsubishi - Jartazi 33 924
9. 2009 ISD - Neri 44 714
10. 2010 ISD Continental Team 0 3919
Overall: 322 7781