
Historic Overview Albert Billiet


Overall Rank7826
NameAlbert BILLIET
Date of birth10-Oct-1907 - Gent (Oost Vlaanderen)
Date of death06-Mar-1977 - Gent (Oost Vlaanderen)


Albert Billiet - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 1929 Individual 12 701
2. 1930 Individual 4 998
3. 1931 Individual 31 466
4. 1933 Individual 2 1111
5. 1934 Dossche Sport 42 507
6. 1935 Dilecta - Wolber 76 379
7. 1936 Dilecta - Wolber 140 278
8. 1937 Dilecta - Wolber 0 1111
9. 1938 Dilecta - Wolber 0 1203
10. 1939 Dilecta - Wolber 0 1208
11. 1942 Individual 2 571
12. 1943 Individual 12 436
Overall: 321 7826