
Historic Overview Pierre Cogan


Overall Rank588
NamePierre COGAN
Date of birth10-Jan-1914 - Auray (Bretagne)
Date of death05-Jan-2013 - Auray (Bretagne)


Pierre Cogan (10 January 1914 – 5 January 2013) was a French professional cyclist who competed between the 1930s and the 1950s.

source - Wikipedia



Major Victories

Bretagne Classic-Ouest-France 1936
G.P. des Nations 1937
Dauphiné Libéré - stages 1949 (1)
Paris - Nice - stages 1936 (1)
More results


Pierre Cogan - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 1933 Individual 2 1110
2. 1934 Individual 1 1320
3. 1935 Roold - Wolber 691 64
4. 1936 F. Pélissier - Mercier - Hutchinson 1513 15
5. 1937 F. Pélissier - Mercier - Hutchinson 277 154
6. 1938 Mercier - Hutchinson 131 258
7. 1939 Mercier - Hutchinson 11 816
8. 1940 Mercier - Hutchinson 0 559
9. 1941 Mercier - Hutchinson 186 109
10. 1942 Mercier - Hutchinson 344 70
11. 1943 Mercier - Hutchinson 116 151
12. 1944 Ray - Dunlop 50 162
13. 1945 Ray - Dunlop 130 155
14. 1946 Métropole - Dunlop - Hutchinson 425 81
15. 1947 Métropole - Dunlop - Hutchinson 958 34
16. 1948 Carrara - Dunlop 122 347
17. 1949 Riva Sport - Dunlop 1000 32
18. 1950 Helyett - Hutchinson 953 42
19. 1951 Helyett - Hutchinson 523 88
Overall: 7433 588