
Historic Overview Francis Duteil


Overall Rank31107
NameFrancis DUTEIL
Date of birth25-Mar-1947 - Angouleme (Poitou Charentes)
Date of death09-Oct-2016 - Chamiers (Aquitaine)
ContemporiesView Contemporary Ranking


Francis Duteil (25 March 1947 – 9 October 2016) was a French cyclist. He competed in the individual road race event at the 1976 Summer Olympics. Duteil won the 1970 Tour du Limousin.

source - Wikipedia


Francis Duteil - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 1971 Individual 1 979
2. 1972 Individual 2 878
3. 1973 Individual 2 906
4. 1976 Individual 1 948
5. 1977 Individual 1 925
6. 1979 Individual 9 647
7. 1982 Individual 1 1129
Overall: 17 31107