
Historic Overview Geert Omloop


Overall Rank3866
NameGeert OMLOOP
Date of birth12-Feb-1974 - Herentals (Antwerpen)


Geert Omloop

Geert Omloop (born 12 February 1974) is a Belgian former professional road racing cyclist who was born in Herentals. He is the cousin of fellow cyclist Wim Omloop and the son of Marcel Omloop. He turned professional in 1997 having raced for several professional teams in 1995 and 1996 as a trainee. He became the Belgian National Road Race Champion in 2003, but lost the title in 2004 when he finished second.

source - Wikipedia



Major Victories

Grote 1 Mei-Prijs Hoboken 2001
Nationale Sluitingsprijs Putte-Kapellen 2002
More results


Geert Omloop - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 1995 Rotan Spiessens - Hot Dog Louis 1 1295
2. 1996 Vosschemie - Zetelhallen 0 1756
3. 1997 Team EC - Bayer Worringen - Daewoo 10 917
4. 1998 Spar - RDM - Daewoo 9 1051
5. 1999 Spar - RDM 49 618
6. 2000 Collstrop - De Federale Verzekeringen 154 378
7. 2001 Collstrop - Palmans 141 410
8. 2002 Palmans - Collstrop 155 403
9. 2003 Palmans - Collstrop - 212 316
10. 2004 - Palmans 121 471
11. 2005 MrBookmaker - Sports Tech 95 514
12. 2006 31 955
13. 2007 Jartazi Promo Fashion Continental Cycling Team 63 681
14. 2008 Mitsubishi - Jartazi 13 1312
15. 2009 Palmans Cras 32 844
16. 2010 Palmans - Cras 14 1357
Overall: 1100 3866