
Historic Overview Allan Oras


Overall Rank27253
NameAllan ORAS
Date of birth


Allan Oras (born 20 December 1975) is an Estonian cyclist.

He was born in Tartu. In 1994 he graduated from Tartu School of Construction and Light Industry (Estonian: Tartu Ehitus- ja Kergetööstuskool).

He began his cycling career in 1988, coached by Harald Osjamets. From 1991 to 2001 his coach was Rein Pruuli. In 2019 he won the gold medal at the European Mountain Bike Championships in the cross-country marathon. He is multiple-times Estonian champion in different cycling disciplines. From 1995 to 2011 he was a member of Estonian national cycling team.

source - Wikipedia


Allan Oras - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 1997 Individual 24 703
Overall: 24 27253