
Historic Overview Sebastián Manuel Cancio


Overall Rank15606
NameSebastián Manuel CANCIO
Date of birth04-Oct-1978 - Junin (Buenos Aires)
Date of death22-Feb-2015 - Buenos Aires (Distrito Federal)
ContemporiesView Contemporary Ranking


Sebastián Manuel Cancio - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 2003 Individual 2 1948
2. 2004 Individual 6 1482
3. 2005 Elite without contract 10 1465
4. 2006 Elite without contract 10 1512
5. 2007 Elite without contract 1 2851
6. 2009 Elite without contract 18 1134
7. 2010 Elite without contract 12 1442
8. 2011 Elite without contract 1 3722
9. 2012 Elite without contract 1 3641
10. 2013 Elite without contract 16 1323
11. 2015 Elite without contract 2 3282
Overall: 79 15606