# | Rider | Score |
301. |
Torpado - Clément
143 |
302. |
Saint Raphaël - R. Geminiani - Dunlop
143 |
303. |
Eroba - Vredestein
142 |
304. |
Boxing Club
142 |
305. |
Helyett - Leroux - Fynsec - Hutchinson…
139 |
306. |
138 |
307. |
Flandria - Dr. Mann
136 |
308. |
Ghigi - Ganna
135 |
309. |
135 |
310. |
134 |
311. |
Groene Leeuw - Sinalco - SAS
133 |
312. |
Libertas - Eura Drinks
133 |
313. |
Licor 43
133 |
314. |
Libertas - Eura Drinks
132 |
315. |
Mercier - BP - Hutchinson
131 |
316. |
Faema - Guerra
130 |
317. |
130 |
318. |
Saint Raphaël - R. Geminiani - Dunlop
128 |
319. |
Flandria - Dr. Mann
127 |
320. |
Peugeot - BP - Dunlop
127 |
321. |
Mercier - BP - Hutchinson
126 |
322. |
Ghigi - Ganna
124 |
323. |
124 |
324. |
Elswick Hopper
123 |
325. |
Groene Leeuw - Sinalco - SAS
123 |
326. |
Torpedo - Fichtel & Sachs
123 |
327. |
121 |
328. |
Legnano - Pirelli
121 |
329. |
Legnano - Pirelli
120 |
330. |
Groene Leeuw - Sinalco - SAS
119 |
331. |
EMI - Guerra
119 |
332. |
Bertin - Milremo - The Dura
117 |
333. |
117 |
334. |
117 |
335. |
Faema - Guerra
115 |
336. |
Groene Leeuw - Sinalco - SAS
114 |
337. |
Libéria - Hutchinson
114 |
338. |
Mercier - BP - Hutchinson
114 |
339. |
114 |
340. |
Peugeot - BP - Dunlop
113 |
341. |
Alcyon - Dunlop
113 |
342. |
113 |
343. |
San Pellegrino Sport
112 |
344. |
Rapha - R. Geminiani - Dunlop
111 |
345. |
Urago - D'Alessandro
111 |
346. |
Bertin - Milremo - The Dura
110 |
347. |
Faema - Guerra
110 |
348. |
110 |
349. |
Groene Leeuw - Sinalco - SAS
109 |
350. |
Torpado - Clément
109 |
351. |
Coupry - Margnat
107 |
352. |
Rapha - R. Geminiani - Dunlop
107 |
353. |
Licor 43
106 |
354. |
Bianchi - Pirelli
105 |
355. |
Libertas - Eura Drinks
105 |
356. |
Tricofilina - Coppi
105 |
357. |
Torpado - Clément
105 |
358. |
Ghigi - Ganna
104 |
359. |
Ignis - Frejus
104 |
360. |
Bianchi - Pirelli
101 |
361. |
Peugeot - BP - Dunlop
100 |
362. |
Witcomb - Trading
100 |
363. |
Urago - D'Alessandro
99 |
364. |
Mercier - BP - Hutchinson
99 |
365. |
Ignis - Frejus
99 |
366. |
L. Bobet - BP - Hutchinson
99 |
367. |
99 |
368. |
Libertas - Eura Drinks
98 |
369. |
Tricofilina - Coppi
98 |
370. |
Helyett - Leroux - Fynsec - Hutchinson…
98 |
371. |
Helyett - Leroux - Fynsec - Hutchinson…
98 |
372. |
L. Bobet - BP - Hutchinson
98 |
373. |
97 |
374. |
Coupry - Margnat
97 |
375. |
Rapha - R. Geminiani - Dunlop
97 |
376. |
97 |
377. |
Flandria - Dr. Mann
96 |
378. |
Mercier - BP - Hutchinson
96 |
379. |
96 |
380. |
95 |
381. |
Torpado - Clément
95 |
382. |
San Pellegrino Sport
94 |
383. |
Flandria - Dr. Mann
93 |
384. |
Elswick Hopper
92 |
385. |
Locomotief - Vredestein
92 |
386. |
Vedette - Verveer
91 |
387. |
Libéria - Hutchinson
91 |
388. |
Peugeot - BP - Dunlop
91 |
389. |
91 |
390. |
90 |
391. |
90 |
392. |
Coupry - Margnat
90 |
393. |
Urago - D'Alessandro
90 |
394. |
90 |
395. |
San Pellegrino Sport
89 |
396. |
San Pellegrino Sport
89 |
397. |
Peugeot - BP - Dunlop
88 |
398. |
88 |
399. |
86 |
400. |
83 |
About this ranking
This is the ranking of the most successful professional cyclists in the world in 1959. Use the year and country filters below to look at the same overall ranking until a specific year in the past and/or for a specific country. Riders score points based on their results in the races. These points depend on the (historic) importance of the race, the competition during the race and the toughness of the course. Click on any rider to get an all time overview of the rider with details on the scores and rank for the various seasons and the most important results for each year.
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