
Ranking 1988

Global # Rider Team Score
1. 3.
PDM - Ultima - Concorde
PDM - Ultima - Concorde 2661
2. 4.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 2491
3. 6.
PDM - Ultima - Concorde
PDM - Ultima - Concorde 2136
4. 10.
PDM - Ultima - Concorde
PDM - Ultima - Concorde 1865
5. 23.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 1414
6. 25.
Caja Rural - Orbea
Caja Rural - Orbea 1386
7. 34.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 1133
8. 58.
Weinmann - La Suisse - SMM Uster
Weinmann - La Suisse - SMM Uster 836
9. 77.
PDM - Ultima - Concorde
PDM - Ultima - Concorde 710
10. 79.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 698
11. 96.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 612
12. 98.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 605
13. 99.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 603
14. 102.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 598
15. 107.
Toshiba 569
16. 116.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 534
17. 121.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 507
18. 123.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 503
19. 152.
Zahor Chocolates
Zahor Chocolates 407
20. 189.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 321
21. 192.
PDM - Ultima - Concorde
PDM - Ultima - Concorde 319
22. 194.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 319
23. 213.
Sigma - Fina
Sigma - Fina 285
24. 222.
Caja Rural - Orbea
Caja Rural - Orbea 271
25. 227.
Toshiba 265
26. 249.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 237
27. 251.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 234
28. 263.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 221
29. 264.
Weinmann - La Suisse - SMM Uster
Weinmann - La Suisse - SMM Uster 219
30. 265.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 219
31. 273.
Caja Rural - Orbea
Caja Rural - Orbea 215
32. 276.
Hitachi - Bosal - B.C.E. Snooker
Hitachi - Bosal - B.C.E. Snooker 211
33. 281.
Caja Rural - Orbea
Caja Rural - Orbea 204
34. 296.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 190
35. 307.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 173
36. 325.
PDM - Ultima - Concorde
PDM - Ultima - Concorde 158
37. 330.
Roland 156
38. 362.
Sigma - Fina
Sigma - Fina 134
39. 367.
Roland 129
40. 368.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 129
41. 374.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 127
42. 404.
Roland 110
43. 407.
PDM - Ultima - Concorde
PDM - Ultima - Concorde 109
44. 408.
PDM - Ultima - Concorde
PDM - Ultima - Concorde 107
45. 411.
Individual 106
46. 412.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 105
47. 416.
Roland 104
48. 418.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 104
49. 456.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 89
50. 458.
PDM - Ultima - Concorde
PDM - Ultima - Concorde 88
51. 468.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 85
52. 502.
Hitachi - Bosal - B.C.E. Snooker
Hitachi - Bosal - B.C.E. Snooker 76
53. 506.
ADR - Mini-Flat - Enerday
ADR - Mini-Flat - Enerday 74
54. 527.
Eurotop Keuken - Arkel - Multifax
Eurotop Keuken - Arkel - Multifax 68
55. 586.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 52
56. 605.
Individual 47
57. 606.
Individual 47
58. 615.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 45
59. 620.
Sigma - Fina
Sigma - Fina 44
60. 678.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 34
61. 705.
S.E.F.B. - Peugeot - Tönissteiner
S.E.F.B. - Peugeot - Tönissteiner 30
62. 715.
Individual 28
63. 716.
Individual 28
64. 751.
Caja Rural - Orbea
Caja Rural - Orbea 23
65. 766.
SuperConfex - Yoko
SuperConfex - Yoko 22
66. 857.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 15
67. 862.
Eurotop Keuken - Arkel - Multifax
Eurotop Keuken - Arkel - Multifax 15
68. 866.
Panasonic - Isostar
Panasonic - Isostar 14
69. 878.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 13
70. 911.
Individual 11
71. 915.
Individual 11
72. 921.
Caja Rural - Orbea
Caja Rural - Orbea 10
73. 938.
Individual 10
74. 949.
Individual 9
75. 951.
Individual 9
76. 952.
Individual 9
77. 953.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 8
78. 966.
Individual 8
79. 968.
Individual 8
80. 969.
Individual 8
81. 973.
TVM - Van Schilt
TVM - Van Schilt 7
82. 976.
Hitachi - Bosal - B.C.E. Snooker
Hitachi - Bosal - B.C.E. Snooker 7
83. 990.
Individual 7
84. 1016.
Individual 6
85. 1059.
Intral Renting - Nec - Ricoh
Intral Renting - Nec - Ricoh 5
86. 1060.
Gis Gelati - Ecoflam - Jollyscarpe
Gis Gelati - Ecoflam - Jollyscarpe 5
87. 1063.
Eurotop Keuken - Arkel - Multifax
Eurotop Keuken - Arkel - Multifax 5
88. 1086.
Individual 5
89. 1089.
Individual 5
90. 1096.
Individual 5
91. 1103.
Individual 5
92. 1106.
Individual 5
93. 1114.
Individual 5
94. 1115.
Individual 5
95. 1123.
Individual 5
96. 1151.
Individual 4
97. 1189.
Individual 3
98. 1208.
Individual 3
99. 1212.
Individual 3
100. 1213.
Individual 3
About this ranking

This is the ranking of the most successful professional cyclists in the world for Netherlands in 1988. Use the year and country filters below to look at the same overall ranking until a specific year in the past and/or for a specific country. Riders score points based on their results in the races. These points depend on the (historic) importance of the race, the competition during the race and the toughness of the course. Click on any rider to get an all time overview of the rider with details on the scores and rank for the various seasons and the most important results for each year.

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