# | Global # | Rider | Score |
1. | 155. |
360 |
2. | 243. |
W52 - Paredes Movel - Fibromade
195 |
3. | 303. |
Maia - Hipermercados Jumbo - Cin
136 |
4. | 374. |
Kelme - Artiach
98 |
5. | 410. |
Maia - Hipermercados Jumbo - Cin
84 |
6. | 416. |
Mx Onda
82 |
7. | 422. |
Maia - Hipermercados Jumbo - Cin
80 |
8. | 466. |
Maia - Hipermercados Jumbo - Cin
67 |
9. | 533. |
Maia - Hipermercados Jumbo - Cin
49 |
10. | 570. |
L.A. Aluminios - A.C. Malveira
42 |
11. | 591. |
Maia - Hipermercados Jumbo - Cin
37 |
12. | 640. |
30 |
13. | 688. |
Janotas & Simões - Pero Pinheiro
25 |
14. | 725. |
Recer - Boavista
21 |
15. | 733. |
Recer - Boavista
20 |
16. | 738. |
Tavira - Recer
20 |
17. | 765. |
L.A. Aluminios - A.C. Malveira
19 |
18. | 844. |
Recer - Boavista
12 |
19. | 919. |
10 |
20. | 922. |
10 |
21. | 936. |
10 |
22. | 1040. |
Troiamarisco - Credito Predial
6 |
23. | 1044. |
L.A. Aluminios - A.C. Malveira
6 |
24. | 1098. |
Maia - Hipermercados Jumbo - Cin
5 |
25. | 1112. |
Recer - Boavista
5 |
26. | 1218. |
L.A. Aluminios - A.C. Malveira
3 |
27. | 1225. |
Troiamarisco - Credito Predial
3 |
28. | 1232. |
L.A. Aluminios - A.C. Malveira
3 |
29. | 1298. |
Janotas & Simões - Pero Pinheiro
2 |
30. | 1301. |
Troiamarisco - Credito Predial
2 |
31. | 1402. |
Troiamarisco - Credito Predial
1 |
About this ranking
This is the ranking of the most successful professional cyclists in the world for Portugal in 1996. Use the year and country filters below to look at the same overall ranking until a specific year in the past and/or for a specific country. Riders score points based on their results in the races. These points depend on the (historic) importance of the race, the competition during the race and the toughness of the course. Click on any rider to get an all time overview of the rider with details on the scores and rank for the various seasons and the most important results for each year.
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