Team | Country | Score | |
701. | RAGT Semences | FRA | 1843 |
702. | Mapei Quick Step III | ITA | 1839 |
703. | Saving | FRA | 1823 |
704. | Axeon | USA | 1815 |
705. | Mercier - Le Grevès | FRA | 1807 |
706. | Radenska | SLO | 1806 |
707. | Gladiator | FRA | 1792 |
708. | Sojasun | FRA | 1789 |
709. | Devaux | FRA | 1789 |
710. | Action | POL | 1781 |
711. | Fuchs | SUI | 1778 |
712. | Lamonta | GER | 1771 |
713. | Isotonic | SUI | 1759 |
714. | Dries | BEL | 1756 |
715. | Informaciones | ESP | 1752 |
716. | Canada Dry | NED | 1748 |
717. | Santa Clara | RUS | 1748 |
718. | Atena | ITA | 1745 |
719. | Saint Quentin | FRA | 1740 |
720. | Elro Snacks | NED | 1740 |
721. | GLS | DEN | 1738 |
722. | Kaiku | ESP | 1727 |
723. | One Pro | GBR | 1727 |
724. | Acceptcard | DEN | 1726 |
725. | Krka | SLO | 1725 |
726. | Foreldorado | NED | 1722 |
727. | Liberator | BEL | 1722 |
728. | Raleigh | GBR | 1713 |
729. | Stolting | GER | 1706 |
730. | Pena Nicky's | ESP | 1705 |
731. | Aguardiente Néctar | COL | 1695 |
732. | ED' System | CZE | 1693 |
733. | Helios | ESP | 1693 |
734. | Colombia Es Pasion | COL | 1689 |
735. | Novo Nordisk | USA | 1688 |
736. | De Kova | FRA | 1686 |
737. | Manzana | COL | 1686 |
738. | Shaklee | USA | 1686 |
739. | Turkheimer | ITA | 1679 |
740. | DHL | POL | 1672 |
741. | Holdsworth | GBR | 1660 |
742. | Efapel | POR | 1659 |
743. | Jo Piels | NED | 1652 |
744. | P. Egli Rad | SUI | 1644 |
745. | La Voce di Mantova | ITA | 1633 |
746. | Fronte della Gioventu Dulux | ITA | 1628 |
747. | Gallastegui | ESP | 1628 |
748. | Atlas | GER | 1624 |
749. | Torino | ITA | 1609 |
750. | Coloquick | DEN | 1608 |
751. | Wiggins | GBR | 1599 |
752. | Colombia Coldeportes | COL | 1599 |
753. | Riwal | DEN | 1597 |
754. | Mitsubishi | EST | 1590 |
755. | Pinturas Ega | ESP | 1590 |
756. | Chevrolet | USA | 1588 |
757. | Amis du Tour de France | FRA | 1587 |
758. | Labarca | ESP | 1586 |
759. | Chicky World | DEN | 1575 |
760. | CBM Fast | ITA | 1572 |
761. | Karpin Galicia | ESP | 1569 |
762. | Thüringer Energie | GER | 1569 |
763. | Synergy Baku | AZE | 1565 |
764. | Endura Racing | GBR | 1557 |
765. | Wüstenrot | CZE | 1551 |
766. | Clement | FRA | 1541 |
767. | SEG | NED | 1541 |
768. | La Pomme Marseille | FRA | 1540 |
769. | Lega FCI | ITA | 1540 |
770. | Funvic | BRA | 1539 |
771. | Louletano | POR | 1538 |
772. | Die Continentale | GER | 1529 |
773. | Vietto | FRA | 1528 |
774. | Peugeot - Lion | FRA | 1523 |
775. | Gritzner | SUI | 1521 |
776. | Styl | ESP | 1508 |
777. | Hagens Berman | USA | 1499 |
778. | Trident | BEL | 1492 |
779. | Bridgestone Anchor | JPN | 1488 |
780. | Felbermayr Simplon Wels | AUT | 1486 |
781. | Jartazi | BEL | 1482 |
782. | Shimano | JPN | 1480 |
783. | AVP | BEL | 1468 |
784. | Metec | NED | 1460 |
785. | Filcas | ITA | 1458 |
786. | Vanoli | FRA | 1457 |
787. | Flavia | ESP | 1452 |
788. | Wendels | BEL | 1450 |
789. | Vino | KAZ | 1437 |
790. | Omnibike | RUS | 1435 |
791. | Osram | FRA | 1433 |
792. | Terengganu | MAS | 1427 |
793. | Ceylon | NED | 1426 |
794. | Eurobouw | BEL | 1425 |
795. | Zoppas | ITA | 1424 |
796. | Viani Cral Imperia | ITA | 1400 |
797. | Sparebanken Vest | NOR | 1396 |
798. | Avanti | AUS | 1390 |
799. | Axa | NED | 1389 |
800. | Funcor | ESP | 1388 |
This is the overall all time ranking of the most successful professional cycling teams in the world from 1869 to 2019. Use the year filter below to look at the same overall team ranking until a specific year in the past. Counted are the individual rider's scores in a given season. All team members' scores count. Teams are only considered as the same team over the various years when the main sponsor is equal. Click on any team to get an all time overview of the team with details on the year scores and rankings. Drill down even further to view the directeurs sportif and the riders of the teams and their scores.